【限境外生】112-2學期服務學習/三好永續行動境外生志工 【only for International students】112-2 semester Service education/The Three Acts of Goodness: Sustainable Action Service Education Course   
活動名稱(Activity Name):【限境外生】112-2學期服務學習/三好永續行動境外生志工 【only for International students】112-2 semester Service education/The Three Acts of Goodness: Sustainable Action Service Education Course
活動類別(Activity Category):服務教育類
報名限制(Identity): 只開放給:學生(Only open to student)
認證類別(Certification category):
報名日期(Registration Date):2024/1/8 上午 12:00:59 ~ 2024/6/14 上午 12:00:59
活動日期(Activity Date):2024/1/8 ~ 2024/6/14
活動時間(Activity Time):00:00 ~ 00:00
活動時數(Active Hours):40 小時
活動地點(Event Location):H115
【only for International students】112-2 semester Service education/The Three Acts of Goodness: Sustainable Action Service Education Course
*For The Three Acts of Goodness: Sustainable Action Service Education Course(only for 112 year freshmen):
Bachelor student has to complete total 40 hours service hours before graduate to get 1 credit for The Three Acts of Goodness: Sustainable Action Service Education Course. Service hours could be accumulated in different semester.

*For Service Education(present students):
Please finish 32 service hours in 1 semester. Service hours CAN’T be accumulated in different semester.

*Service Content:
1. Environmental maintenance
2. Send and receive letters and official documents
3. Assist in office work
4. Event preparation and arrangement
5. Other temporarily assigned matters.

*服務時數及反思單完成時間: 2024年6月14日17:00前
*Service hours and introspection form(fill in online) completion time: before 17:00, June 14, 2024.

*務必於【2024/06/14 17:00】前完成反思單填寫,若未完成填寫,時數將不予承認。
*Be sure to complete the introspection form(fill in online) before [2024/06/14 17:00]. If not completed, the hours will not be recognized.

*報名時間截止日期: 2024年3月4日13:00
*Registration deadline: before 13:00, March 14, 2024.

*International Office will arrange service offices according to the registration list and is expected to notify the service offices in mid-March.
主辦單位(Organizer): 國際及兩岸交流處
承辦單位(Implementer): 國際及兩岸交流處
聯  絡  人(Contact person):洪小姐
聯絡電話(Contact number):1711
人數上限(Maximum number of people):不限人數(not limited)   (已報名 25 人)


Personal Data Protection Statement
必填 Required
雷達圖示分析:核心能力 圖示